Casio Fx 5800p Land Surveying Programs

Free land surveying software

Casio Fx 9750gii


Free Land Surveying Programs

fx-5800p: Creating a Custom Formula
Here is a short tutorial on how to create a custom formula for the Casio fx-5800p. The fx-5800p has a library of 128 formulas ranging in various topics from geometry to physics and engineering.
Creating an Original Formula:
1. Press [ MODE ]
2. Select 5 for Programming Mode
3. Select 1 for New
4. Give a name, no more than 12 letters or numbers. Symbols are not allowed.
5. At the File Mode screen, select 3 for Formula.
6. Type your formula. Use the y=f(x) format.
7. When you are done, press the [ EXIT ] key.
Tip: You can use lower case letters, Greek letters, and stylized letters in the formula. Press [ FUNCTION ], then 4 for ALPHA to get access to these characters.
Remember: Variables are one character length. The fx-5800p will execute implied multiplication when it executes two more consecutive variables.
Running Your Original Formula:
1. Be in COMP Mode. (MODE, 1)
2. Press the [ FMLA ] button. Select 1 for the Original type.
3. Select your formula, press [ EXE ]
4. Use the arrow keys to enter values or scroll the formula. When you are ready to compute, press [ CALC ].
And that is about all there is to regarding creating and calculating formulas on the Casio fx-5800p.
This blog is property of Edward Shore. 2015

Land Surveying Software

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